Waiting in the wings for your first entrance in a performance is one of the most exciting and terrifying moments for a dancer – at least in my experience. Nerves, adrenaline, fear and anticipation mix with knowledge, practice, talent and confidence to catapult you out on your cue. My blog is my stage now and I wanted to let you know some of the things that are coming up!
I’ve had a great response to interview requests so far (full disclosure: I’ve pretty much been asking friends or dancers with whom I’ve worked) and I’m still waiting on permission to re-print a couple of previous interviews. Check out the list of awesome local artists that will be featured here soon:
- Cheryl Mann – photographer, former dancer Hubbard Street Dance Chicago
- Carrie Hanson – Artistic Director, The Seldoms
- Calvin Kitten – dancer Joffrey Ballet
- Margi Cole – Artistic Director, The DanceCOLEctive
And…drum roll please…former American Ballet Theatre principal dancer Cynthia Harvey has agreed to do an interview from New York via email!! I know, she really has nothing to do with the Chicago dance scene, but it’s Cynthia Harvey!
Also in the works, an interview with some of the tappers involved with the new Cirque du Soleil show Banana Shpeel opening in November.
I’m off to opening night of Joffrey’s Othello. Merde to all the dancers. I can’t wait to see it.