Happy Winter Solstice – the first day of winter! It also happens to be my Mom’s birthday. My brother and I think it’s hilarious that she was born on the shortest day of the year, since she’s only 4’11” tall. Happy birthday Mom!
My big brother is a musician/composer and he releases an ambient, contemporary classic EP under the label Pangaea Projekt each winter, aptly name Winter. His newest album releases today! Winter VI includes four, short pieces inspired by the season. All six albums are available wherever you buy your music. I get mine here.
My bro – Michael to the world, but Mike to me – LOVES winter. He lived in Florida for a couple of decades and started writing this music because he missed the snow. And, there is a song on the first EP (Upon a Winter Solstice) that was written for my Mom’s 70th birthday. Most of the cover art are photos taken near, or in one case in the back yard, of where he lives now in Vermont. He gets lots of snow. Here is the track Arctic Snow from the new release.
Personally, I like to listen to the Winter series when I read or just need to chill. I used to play them on my headphones at work on particularly stressful days during a performance run. Block everything out and meet your deadline (ie. don’t kill anyone!). These are great for yoga, stretching, cool down, and meditation. So all you dancers teaching yoga out there…haz at it.
For more information on Pangaea Projekt and other projects Mike has done, go to michaelcrain.com. Shameless plus: Dear choreographers, he’s also available for commissions! 🙂